In today’s Gospel we encounter the powerful and mysterious event known as the Transfiguration of Jesus. This moment, where Jesus is revealed in his divine glory on the mountain, offers profound insights into His identity, the nature of His mission, and the relationship between God the Father and the Son. It is a moment of revelation not just for Peter, James, and John, but for all who seek to understand the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Passages such as this help us to remember that Jesus is not just an ordinary man preaching God’s word, but is part of God Himself. He is given to us in hopes of giving us a better understanding of God’s love and purpose for us during our time here on Earth.
It also gives us a glimpse of a visual manifestation of his divine glory, which had been veiled in his humanity. For the disciples, witnessing this change must have been awe-inspiring, confirming that there was something far beyond the ordinary in the person of Jesus. It also shows us how wonderful and beyond human comprehension life after death will be with the Lord.
As you reflect on the incredible occurrence that Peter, James, John witnessed that day, remember that is this type of wonder that we are all striving to experience when Jesus comes again.
En el Evangelio de hoy nos encontramos con el poderoso y misterioso acontecimiento conocido como la Transfiguración de Jesús. Este momento, en el que Jesús se revela en su gloria divina en la montaña, ofrece una profunda comprensión de su identidad, la naturaleza de su misión y la relación entre Dios Padre y el Hijo. Es un momento de revelación no solo para Pedro, Santiago y Juan, sino para todos los que buscamos comprender la persona y la obra de Jesucristo.
Pasajes como este nos ayudan a recordar que Jesús no es solo un hombre común y corriente que predica la palabra de Dios, sino que es parte de Dios mismo. Está entregado a nosotros con la esperanza de darnos una mejor comprensión del amor y el propósito de Dios para nosotros durante el tiempo que tenemos aquí en la Tierra.
También nos da un vistazo de una manifestación visual de su gloria divina, que había estado velada en su humanidad. Para los discípulos, presenciar este cambio debe haber sido impresionante, confirmando que había algo mucho más allá de lo ordinario en la persona de Jesús. También nos muestra cuán maravillosa y más allá de la comprensión humana será la vida después de la muerte con el Señor.
Al reflexionar sobre el increíble acontecimiento que Pedro, Santiago y Juan presenciaron ese día, recuerden que este es el tipo de maravilla que todos nos esforzamos por experimentar cuando Jesús regrese.
Heather Orlowski and her husband are busy parents of three little girls. The Catholic Church holds a special place in her heart and in her entire life. She attended Catholic schools from Kindergarten through college. She graduated from Aquinas College with a degree in Elementary/Special Education. Catholic Education is very important to her and she now teaches 1st and 2nd grades at St. Therese Catholic School. In her free time, she loves creating memories with her family and watching her little girls play soccer.
Feature Image Credit: Ludovico Caracciolo,
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The post The Powerful and Almighty / Dios Todopoderoso appeared first on Diocesan.