A Prayer of Gratitude for God’s Blessings – Acts of Thomas: Prayer of the Day for Sunday, July 03, 2022

O Lord and Vivifier,
Your grace has achieved for us
all that You had spoken and promised.
Grant us access to the place of Your peace.
For You are our Vivifier,
You are our Consoler,
You are our life Remedy,
You are our Standard of Victory.

Blessed are we, O Lord,
because we have known You!

Blessed are we,
because we have believed in You!

Blessed are we,
because we bear Your wounds
and the sign of Your Blood on our contenances!

Blessed are …

Peace / La Paz

The English language can be so confusing. To speak of peace is not the same as to speak a piece of my mind (or my piece). The words peace/piece are homophones, words that sound the same but have different meanings. Peace is what has been catching my attention when praying and reflecting with today’s readings.

Let me clarify as to why.

The readings from Amos and the Gospel speak of transitions; the restoration of the people and lands of Israel, fasting, a bridegroom and wedding guests, and the patching of cloaks and wineskins. As I read these passages, I am reminded of perseverance, patience during the process and the grace of peace through it all.

The Responsorial Psalm illustrates this:

“The Lord speaks of peace to his people.
The Lord proclaims peace to his people.
Kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss.

Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.
The LORD himself will give his benefits; our land shall yield its increase.
Justice shall walk before him, and salvation, along the way of his steps.”

These phrases about peace are words of encouragement, grace, hope and strength to continue in all of the facets of my day and in the world. I so easily get caught up in personal drama or issues swirling around me, that I forget that the focus is to be the Lord’s way, not the contention and disharmony that abounds on the earth, throughout every part of creation.

The Lord says: “my sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jn 10:27

When I read this line I understand it as a directive to speak and do as the Lord would with a newborn, the infirmed, the elderly, the grieving, anyone who is learning (which is everyone, at all times). I am to follow the Shepherd who has justice before him and salvation in his footsteps. I am to be a companion and leader to sow peace, truth and justice in the world and all stages and places of life.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Amen.

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La paz es lo que me ha estado llamando la atención al orar y reflexionar con las lecturas de hoy.

Permítanme aclarar por qué.

Las lecturas de Amós y el Evangelio hablan de transiciones; la restauración del pueblo y las tierras de Israel, el ayuno, el novio y los invitados a la boda, y el remiendo de mantos y odres. Mientras leo estos pasajes, recuerdo la perseverancia, la paciencia durante el proceso y la gracia de la paz a través de todo.

El Salmo Responsorial ilustra esto:

“El Señor habla de paz a su pueblo.
El Señor proclama la paz a su pueblo.
La bondad y la verdad se encontrarán; la justicia y la paz se besarán.

La verdad brotará de la tierra, y la justicia mirará desde el cielo.
El SEÑOR mismo dará sus beneficios; nuestra tierra dará su producto.
La justicia caminará delante de él, y la salvación, por el camino de sus pasos”.

Estas frases de paz son palabras de aliento, gracia, esperanza y fuerza para continuar en todas las facetas de mi día y del mundo. Me enredo tan fácilmente en el drama personal o en los problemas que me rodean, que olvido que el enfoque debe ser el camino del Señor, no la contención y la falta de armonía que abundan en la tierra, en cada parte de la creación.

El Señor dice: “mis ovejas oyen mi voz; Yo las conozco y ellas me siguen.” Juan 10:27

Cuando leo esta línea la entiendo como una directiva para hablar y hacer lo que el Señor haría con un recién nacido, un enfermo, un anciano, un doliente, cualquiera que esté aprendiendo (es decir todos, en todo momento). Debo seguir al Pastor que tiene la justicia delante de él y la salvación en sus pasos. Debo ser compañero y líder para sembrar la paz, la verdad y la justicia en el mundo y en todas las etapas y lugares de la vida.

Que haya paz en la tierra, y que empiece conmigo. Amén.

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Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and a practicing spiritual director. Beth shares smiles, prayers, laughter, a listening ear and her heart with all of creation. Reach her here bprice@diocesan.com.

Feature Image Credit: Lanzar las Redes, www.cathopic.com/photo/1844-paisaje

St. Bernardino Realino: Saint of the Day for Saturday, July 02, 2022

St. Bernardino Realino was born into a noble family of Capri, Italy in 1530. After receiving a thorough and devout Christian education at the hands of his mother, he went on to study medicine at the University of Bologna, but after three years he switched to law and received his doctorate in 1563. Word of his learning, dedication, and legal brilliance spread rapidly, and in 1554 he was summoned to Naples to assume the position of auditor and lieutenant general. Shortly afterward, his …

Prayer for Employment: Prayer of the Day for Saturday, July 02, 2022

God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment. I need your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. I wish to use the gifts and talents you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment. Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving …

Mercy, Not Sacrifice/La Misericordia, No el Sacrificio

***Introducing a brand new, BILINGUAL Inspiration Daily! ¡Bienvenidos al nuevo Inspiración Diario BILINGUE!***

I have noticed in my time in ministry and as I have been trying to follow Jesus for a while now, that there is a trap laid before the feet of a weathered Christian. When I was younger, I misunderstood this trap. I thought that people used religion as a weapon in order to establish a culture they were comfortable with. Now, I understand a bit more, especially now that I have dealt with these temptations from time to time.

Jesus proclaims to us today, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” After working for years with Jesus to put an end to sin in my life and live a full one, I have begun to experience the temptation of self-righteousness. I feel that I struggle the most with this temptation when my outlook is focused on accomplishments in the spiritual life. It is my experience that my temptation to self-righteousness is rooted in self-reliance. As I have grown, I have taken more pride in being able to provide for my family, and in my accomplishments and goals. 

In other words, my desire for a good life seeps into my view of my spiritual life. By doing this, I sacrifice my mindset that life and every good thing in it is a gift. I forget that my ability to not sin is a gift. It is in my forgetfulness and my desire to protect the ideals I have set for myself that I give myself the freedom to judge, set standards for other people that I do not know, and burn myself out striving for the gift of Heaven which is impossible for a human to earn. Jesus said in Luke 18:27 “What is impossible for man is possible for God.” Jesus tells us in the Gospel acclamation, “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” His invitation to us today is to stop striving to earn heaven, but receive it as a gift from the Father who loves us enough to send His only Son to die for me and you.

Look at how the Pharisees treated those Jesus was trying to heal. They were rude and looked at the tax collectors and prostitutes as if they were insignificant and dirty. Their defensive attitudes of trying to establish themselves as important in God’s eyes brought them to an attitude of judgment and cruel words. I find that it is when I overextend the standards that I have set for myself to others, and compare others to that standard, that I act like a Pharisee. It is my prayer for myself and you that we can seek the living mercy of Jesus and not what makes us feel secure. I would like to challenge you, to reflect and allow the Holy Spirit to gently open your eyes to those who you treat as the Pharisees did the tax collectors and prostitutes and ask for mercy. If you are on the flip side of this and feel that there are many in the Church who judge you, my challenge for you is to lock eyes with Jesus and let Him heal you. Know that it is fear that holds us back from love, but fear will not hold Jesus back from loving you. May Jesus bless us all with clean hearts.

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Me he dado cuenta durente mi tiempo en el ministerio y como he estado tratando de seguir a Jesús por un tiempo, que hay una trampa puesta ante los pies de un cristiano con experiencia. Cuando era más joven, entendí mal esta trampa. Pensé que la gente usaba la religión como un arma para establecer una cultura de comodidad. Ahora entiendo un poco más, especialmente ahora que he lidiado con estas tentaciones de vez en cuando.

Jesús nos proclama hoy: “Id y aprended el significado de las palabras quiero la misericordia, no el sacrificio. No he venido a llamar a justos sino a pecadores”. Después de trabajar con Jesús durante años para poner fin al pecado en mi vida y vivir una vida plena, he comenzado a experimentar la tentación de la justicia propia. Siento que batallo más con esta tentación cuando mi perspectiva se enfoca en los logros en la vida espiritual. Según mi experiencia, mi tentación de fariseísmo tiene sus raíces en la autosuficiencia. A medida que crecía, me enorgullecía más de poder mantener a mi familia y de mis logros y metas.

En otras palabras, mi deseo de una buena vida se filtra en mi visión de mi vida espiritual. Al hacer esto, sacrifico mi mentalidad de que la vida y todo lo bueno que hay en ella es un regalo. Me olvidababa que mi capacidad de no pecar es un regalo. Es en mi olvido y en mi deseo de proteger los ideales que me he fijado que me doy la libertad de juzgar, establecer estándares para otras personas que no conozco y quemarme luchando por el don del Cielo que es imposible que un ser humano gane. Jesús dijo en Lucas 18:27 “Lo que es imposible para el hombre es posible para Dios”. Jesús nos dice en la aclamación del Evangelio: “Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar”. Su invitación para nosotros hoy es dejar de esforzarnos por ganar el cielo, y recibirlo como un regalo del Padre que nos ama lo suficiente como para enviar a Su único Hijo a morir por mí y por ti.

Mire cómo los fariseos trataban a aquellos que Jesús estaba tratando de sanar. Eran groseros y miraban a los recaudadores de impuestos y prostitutas como si fueran insignificantes y sucios. Sus actitudes defensivas de tratar de establecerse como importantes a los ojos de Dios los llevó a una actitud de juicio y palabras crueles. Me doy cuenta de que es cuando extiendo demasiado las normas que me he fijado a los demás, y comparo a otros con esa norma, que actúo como un fariseo. Es mi oración por mí y por ti que podamos buscar la misericordia viva de Jesús y no lo que nos hace sentir seguros. Me gustaría desafiarte, reflexionar y permitir que el Espíritu Santo te abra suavemente los ojos a aquellos a quienes tratas como los fariseos hacían con los recaudadores de impuestos y las prostitutas y pedir misericordia. Si estás en el otro lado de esto y sientes que hay muchos en la Iglesia que te juzgan, mi desafío para ti es mirar a los ojos a Jesús y dejar que Él te sane. Debes saber que es el miedo lo que nos impide amar, pero el miedo no impedirá que Jesús te ame. Que Jesús nos bendiga a todos con corazones limpios.

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Featured Image Credit/Crédito para el Imagen: Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas, www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-child-s-hand-1250452/

Arthur Richardson is married to his wonderful wife, Gabby Richardson. Most of his work experience is in ministry. He was a retreat missionary in Wisconsin for two years and a youth minister for three years. He is now the Web Project Manager here at Diocesan, and loves it!

Mercy, Not Sacrifice / La Misericordia, No el Sacrificio

***Introducing a brand new, BILINGUAL Inspiration Daily! ¡Bienvenidos al nuevo Inspiración Diario BILINGUE!***

I have noticed in my time in ministry and as I have been trying to follow Jesus for a while now, that there is a trap laid before the feet of a weathered Christian. When I was younger, I misunderstood this trap. I thought that people used religion as a weapon in order to establish a culture they were comfortable with. Now, I understand a bit more, especially now that I have dealt with these temptations from time to time.

Jesus proclaims to us today, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” After working for years with Jesus to put an end to sin in my life and live a full one, I have begun to experience the temptation of self-righteousness. I feel that I struggle the most with this temptation when my outlook is focused on accomplishments in the spiritual life. It is my experience that my temptation to self-righteousness is rooted in self-reliance. As I have grown, I have taken more pride in being able to provide for my family, and in my accomplishments and goals. 

In other words, my desire for a good life seeps into my view of my spiritual life. By doing this, I sacrifice my mindset that life and every good thing in it is a gift. I forget that my ability to not sin is a gift. It is in my forgetfulness and my desire to protect the ideals I have set for myself that I give myself the freedom to judge, set standards for other people that I do not know, and burn myself out striving for the gift of Heaven which is impossible for a human to earn. Jesus said in Luke 18:27 “What is impossible for man is possible for God.” Jesus tells us in the Gospel acclamation, “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” His invitation to us today is to stop striving to earn heaven, but receive it as a gift from the Father who loves us enough to send His only Son to die for me and you.

Look at how the Pharisees treated those Jesus was trying to heal. They were rude and looked at the tax collectors and prostitutes as if they were insignificant and dirty. Their defensive attitudes of trying to establish themselves as important in God’s eyes brought them to an attitude of judgment and cruel words. I find that it is when I overextend the standards that I have set for myself to others, and compare others to that standard, that I act like a Pharisee. It is my prayer for myself and you that we can seek the living mercy of Jesus and not what makes us feel secure. I would like to challenge you, to reflect and allow the Holy Spirit to gently open your eyes to those who you treat as the Pharisees did the tax collectors and prostitutes and ask for mercy. If you are on the flip side of this and feel that there are many in the Church who judge you, my challenge for you is to lock eyes with Jesus and let Him heal you. Know that it is fear that holds us back from love, but fear will not hold Jesus back from loving you. May Jesus bless us all with clean hearts.

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Me he dado cuenta durente mi tiempo en el ministerio y como he estado tratando de seguir a Jesús por un tiempo, que hay una trampa puesta ante los pies de un cristiano con experiencia. Cuando era más joven, entendí mal esta trampa. Pensé que la gente usaba la religión como un arma para establecer una cultura de comodidad. Ahora entiendo un poco más, especialmente ahora que he lidiado con estas tentaciones de vez en cuando.

Jesús nos proclama hoy: “Id y aprended el significado de las palabras quiero la misericordia, no el sacrificio. No he venido a llamar a justos sino a pecadores”. Después de trabajar con Jesús durante años para poner fin al pecado en mi vida y vivir una vida plena, he comenzado a experimentar la tentación de la justicia propia. Siento que batallo más con esta tentación cuando mi perspectiva se enfoca en los logros en la vida espiritual. Según mi experiencia, mi tentación de fariseísmo tiene sus raíces en la autosuficiencia. A medida que crecía, me enorgullecía más de poder mantener a mi familia y de mis logros y metas.

En otras palabras, mi deseo de una buena vida se filtra en mi visión de mi vida espiritual. Al hacer esto, sacrifico mi mentalidad de que la vida y todo lo bueno que hay en ella es un regalo. Me olvidababa que mi capacidad de no pecar es un regalo. Es en mi olvido y en mi deseo de proteger los ideales que me he fijado que me doy la libertad de juzgar, establecer estándares para otras personas que no conozco y quemarme luchando por el don del Cielo que es imposible que un ser humano gane. Jesús dijo en Lucas 18:27 “Lo que es imposible para el hombre es posible para Dios”. Jesús nos dice en la aclamación del Evangelio: “Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar”. Su invitación para nosotros hoy es dejar de esforzarnos por ganar el cielo, y recibirlo como un regalo del Padre que nos ama lo suficiente como para enviar a Su único Hijo a morir por mí y por ti.

Mire cómo los fariseos trataban a aquellos que Jesús estaba tratando de sanar. Eran groseros y miraban a los recaudadores de impuestos y prostitutas como si fueran insignificantes y sucios. Sus actitudes defensivas de tratar de establecerse como importantes a los ojos de Dios los llevó a una actitud de juicio y palabras crueles. Me doy cuenta de que es cuando extiendo demasiado las normas que me he fijado a los demás, y comparo a otros con esa norma, que actúo como un fariseo. Es mi oración por mí y por ti que podamos buscar la misericordia viva de Jesús y no lo que nos hace sentir seguros. Me gustaría desafiarte, reflexionar y permitir que el Espíritu Santo te abra suavemente los ojos a aquellos a quienes tratas como los fariseos hacían con los recaudadores de impuestos y las prostitutas y pedir misericordia. Si estás en el otro lado de esto y sientes que hay muchos en la Iglesia que te juzgan, mi desafío para ti es mirar a los ojos a Jesús y dejar que Él te sane. Debes saber que es el miedo lo que nos impide amar, pero el miedo no impedirá que Jesús te ame. Que Jesús nos bendiga a todos con corazones limpios.

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Featured Image Credit/Crédito para el Imagen: Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas, www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-child-s-hand-1250452/

Arthur Richardson is married to his wonderful wife, Gabby Richardson. Most of his work experience is in ministry. He was a retreat missionary in Wisconsin for two years and a youth minister for three years. He is now the Web Project Manager here at Diocesan, and loves it!

St. Junipero Serra: Saint of the Day for Friday, July 01, 2022

Miguel Jose Serra was born on the island of Majorca on November 24, 1713, and took the name of Junipero when in 1730, he entered the Franciscan Order. Ordained in 1737, he taught philosophy and theology at the University of Padua until 1749. At the age of thirty-seven, he landed in Mexico City on January 1, 1750, and spent the rest of his life working for the conversion of the peoples of the New World. In 1768, Father Serra took over the missions of the Jesuits (who had been wrongly …

Prayer of the Chalice: Prayer of the Day for Friday, July 01, 2022

Father, to Thee I raise my whole being,
a vessel emptied of self.
Accept Lord, this my emptiness,
and so fill me with Thyself,
Thy Light, Thy Love, Thy Life,
that these precious gifts may radiate through me
and over-flow the chalice of my heart
into the hearts of all with whom I come in contact this day,
revealing unto them the beauty of Thy Joy and Wholeness
and the Serenity of Thy Peace
which nothing can destroy.


We Are So Important To The Divine Physician

Today’s Gospel reading is from the beginning of Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew. Let’s take two steps back and get some perspective on where this healing narrative falls in the development of Matthew’s Gospel.

We know that Matthew gives us the beautiful Sermon on the Mount in Chapters 5 and 7 of his Gospel. Beginning in Chapter 8 and carrying through Chapter 9 we are caught up in the love of the heart of the Divine Physician. 

First, he healed a man with leprosy: “If you are willing you can make me clean.” “I am willing, be clean!” Jesus said (cf. vs. 1-2).

Next the Divine Physician heals the servant of the centurion from afar because of the centurion’s great faith (vs. 5-13).

After the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law, a great crowd descended on the house begging Jesus to drive out evil spirits and heal the sick. Jesus healed all who came to him. Then he got into a boat with his disciples, and he calmed a great storm. Their hearts were filled with awe. Jesus is Master of the powers of nature, of evil, and of sickness (vs. 14-16, 23-27).

Chapter 8 ends with Jesus healing two men possessed by demons, sending them into a large herd of pigs. Then we are told that the whole village came out to see what was going on and pleaded with him to leave. The joy and awe that has surrounded Jesus’ healing is met here with rejection and expulsion (vs. 28-34),

 So Jesus entered a boat to cross to the other side. 

At this point we come to today’s Gospel in which Jesus forgives a paralytic of his sins and then heals him, “Rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.”  The crowds are in awe, but the scribes accuse him of blaspheming. It is becoming more and more clear that we must make a choice regarding Jesus. 

Tomorrow’s Gospel will be the calling of a tax collector, a sinner, Matthew. Tax collectors worked for the foreigners who ruled over the Jews, so this made them traitors. They weren’t paid a wage by the Romans, but were expected to take extra money and keep some for themselves. They were hated and considered sinners. And yet this one sinner “got up and followed” Jesus immediately when he said to him, “Follow me.” We then see Jesus entering into the community of tax collectors and sinners, eating with them, because “the sick” “need a physician” (Mt 9:9-13).

The story of the paralytic should wake us up to the decision we each need to make. Where is it that you need forgiveness? What has paralyzed you? Are your limbs lifeless because you have used them in your own pursuits rather than the will of God? Sin is more than just a failing. In little ways, or in grave, sin distances us from God. Sin makes us spiritually weak. We are so important to God, so dear and precious to the Father, that he sent his Son to heal us. Jesus came to call us out of all that holds us back from giving ourselves completely and in trust to God. The Son of God enters into communion with us, the community of sinners, and he says, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and be healed.” And then he says, “Follow me.”

Where is Jesus today asking you to follow him?

Contact the author

Sr. Kathryn J. HermesKathryn James Hermes, FSP, is the author of the newly released title: Reclaim Regret: How God Heals Life’s Disappointments, by Pauline Books and Media. An author and spiritual mentor, she offers spiritual accompaniment for the contemporary Christian’s journey towards spiritual growth and inner healing. She is the director of My Sisters, where people can find spiritual accompaniment from the Daughters of St. Paul on their journey. Website: www.touchingthesunrise.com Public Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/srkathrynhermes/ For monthly spiritual journaling guides, weekly podcasts and over 50 conferences and retreat programs join my Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/srkathryn.

Feature Image Credit: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christ_healing_a_paralitic_in_Caphernaum.jpg

First Martyrs of the See of Rome: Saint of the Day for Thursday, June 30, 2022

The holy men and women are also called the Â?Protomartyrs of Rome.Â? They were accused of burning Rome by Nero , who burned Rome to cover his own crimes. Some martyrs were burned as living torches at evening banquets, some crucified, others were fed to wild animals. These martyrs died before Sts. Peter and Paul, and are called Â?disciples of the Apostles. . . whom the Holy Roman church sent to their Lord before the ApostlesÂ? death.Â?