Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall possess the earth.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are …
Author: WebDept ParishAdmin
Stay Busy Doing Good / Mantente Ocupado Haciendo el Bien
What strikes me most in today’s reading from the book of Galatians, as well as from the Gospel reading, is the variety of ways we can be displeasing to God while hurting ourselves and others. From sorcery to drinking bouts, from impurity to selfishness, St. Paul covers a lot of ground. In the Gospel reading, Jesus takes the hypocritical religious leaders to task, issuing fearsome warnings for their pride and false piety.
So what are we mere human beings to do? There are so many ways to go wrong! God knows our weakness and provides a remedy. He gives us the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of us and enables us to become holy, if we cooperate with his movements.
As adults, we know that when we walk into a room of children who are brawling, we need to act. We can either isolate them from one another (perhaps by plugging them into an electronic gadget), or we can teach them how to think and act virtuously. We may foster virtue by helping them communicate more effectively, or by initiating an interactive game, or by channeling their youthful energy into raking an elderly person’s yard.
The same principle is true for adults who sin. Temptation to do wrong can become an opportunity for growth. As adults, we must monitor ourselves through frequent self-examination in order to recognize and repent of our own bad behavior. If we really want to grow in virtue, isolating ourselves (perhaps scrolling on our phones or binge watching a show) is ineffective. We must get busy doing good. St. Jerome, in the 4th century, said it this way: “Engage in some occupation, so that the devil may always find you busy.”
Serving others is one particularly good way to stay busy! Many Catholics are familiar with the traditional “Works of Mercy” which help us consider what it means to serve others. The Corporal Works of Mercy are: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit those in prison, shelter the homeless, and visit the sick. The Spiritual Works of Mercy are: admonish the sinner, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently, forgive all injuries, and bury the dead. There are myriad ways to assist others and to reach them with love of Christ.
The First Reading says, “Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” When we are busy following the Spirit and doing God’s work, we will have little time for behavior that is destructive both to us and to others.
Lo que más me llama la atención en la lectura de hoy del libro de Gálatas, así como de la lectura del Evangelio, es la variedad de formas en que podemos desagradar a Dios mientras nos lastimamos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Desde la hechicería hasta las borracheras, desde la impureza hasta el egoísmo, San Pablo cubre mucho terreno. En la lectura del Evangelio, Jesús reprende a los líderes religiosos hipócritas, emitiendo temibles advertencias por su orgullo y falsa piedad.
Entonces, ¿qué vamos a hacer nosotros, meros seres humanos? ¡Hay tantas maneras de equivocarse! Dios conoce nuestra debilidad y nos provee un remedio. Él nos da el Espíritu Santo, que vive dentro de nosotros y nos permite ser santos, si cooperamos con él.
Como adultos, sabemos que cuando entramos en una habitación con niños peleando, debemos actuar. Podemos aislarlos unos de otros (tal vez conectándolos a un aparato electrónico), o podemos enseñarles cómo pensar y actuar de manera virtuosa. Podemos fomentar la virtud ayudándolos a comunicarse de manera más efectiva, o iniciando un juego interactivo, o canalizando su energía juvenil para rastrillar el jardín de una persona mayor.
El mismo principio es cierto para los adultos que pecan. La tentación de hacer el mal puede convertirse en una oportunidad de crecimiento. Como adultos, debemos monitorearnos a nosotros mismos a través de un autoexamen frecuente para reconocer y arrepentirnos de nuestro propio mal comportamiento. Si realmente queremos crecer en virtud, aislarnos (quizás viendo el teléfono o un programa en exceso) no es efectivo. Debemos estar ocupados haciendo el bien. San Jerónimo, en el siglo IV, lo decía así: “Ocúpate en alguna ocupación, para que el diablo siempre te encuentre ocupado”.
¡Servir a los demás es una manera particularmente buena de mantenerte ocupado! Muchos católicos están familiarizados con las “Obras de Misericordia” tradicionales que nos ayudan a considerar lo que significa servir a los demás. Las Obras de Misericordia Corporales son: dar de comer al hambriento, dar de beber al sediento, vestir al desnudo, visitar a los presos, dar cobijo a los desamparados y visitar a los enfermos. Las Obras Espirituales de Misericordia son: amonestar al pecador, instruir al ignorante, aconsejar al dudoso, consolar al afligido, soportar con paciencia los agravios, perdonar todas las injurias y enterrar a los muertos. Hay innumerables maneras de ayudar a los demás y llegar a ellos con el amor de Cristo.
La Primera Lectura dice: “Y los que son de Jesucristo ya han crucificado su egoísmo junto con sus pasiones y malos deseos. Si tenemos la vida del Espíritu, actuemos conforme a ese mismo Espíritu.”. Cuando estamos ocupados siguiendo al Espíritu y haciendo la obra de Dios, tendremos poco tiempo para conductas que sean destructivas tanto para nosotros como para los demás.
Christine Hanus currently lives in Upstate, NY. Though she enjoys writing and her work as a catechist, Christine is primarily a wife, mother, and more recently, grandmother!
Feature Image Credit: Elissa Garcia,
St. Wilfrid: Saint of the Day for Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Born in Northumberland in 634, St. Wilfrid was educated at Lindesfarne and then spent some time in Lyons and Rome. Returning to England, he was elected abbot of Ripon in 658 and introduced the Roman rules and practices in opposition to the celtic ways of northern England. In 664, he was the architect of the definitive victory of the Roman party at the Conference of Whitby. He was appointed Bishop of York and after some difficulty finally took possession of his See in 669. He labored zealously …
Prayer on the Anniversary of a Deceased Person: Prayer of the Day for Wednesday, October 12, 2022
O Lord,
the God of mercies,
grant unto the souls of Thy servants
the anniversary day of whose burial we are keeping,
a place of solace,
of peaceful rest,
of glorious light.
Through Christ our Lord,
Shifting our Focus Outward / Cambiando el Enfoque Hacia Afuera
I once read about someone who, instead of seeking attention, gifts, cards and cake on their birthday, chose to bring flowers and a special note to their mother instead. Why? Because that woman on that day labored in love to give birth. That woman on that day chose to give life instead of take it. That woman on that day began the difficult task of raising another human being for the foreseeable future.
Today I celebrate 43 years of life outside the womb. Sure I will have my fair share of greetings and sweets, but my heart, as any mother’s, is more focused on my children. I almost forget my birthday each year, as I am preceded by one son’s birthday in September and another son’s later this month.
And although I am grateful for this life that God has given me, I cannot help but be saddened by what is happening throughout our country to destroy life. October is Respect Life Month, and we are in the midst of the 40 Days For Life prayer campaign. The abortion clinic that was shut down in my town, reopened due to a loophole in the law. Elections for pro-abortion laws are looming in the next few weeks. All I can do is pray, pray, pray, vote, and beg God for His mercy.
In today’s Gospel the Pharisee was amazed that Jesus did not wash before the meal. Jesus rebuked him. What good is it to have a clean body if the soul is not clean. “Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? But as to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you.”
Hmmm, interesting. Instead of telling him to change his attitude and his focus, he told the Pharisee to give alms. Wait a minute…maybe he was telling him to change his attitude and his focus! Let’s think about this for a moment. What happens to us when we give to others? We shift from an inward to an outward focus. We are giving instead of receiving. We are caring instead of falling into greed. Our Jesus is one wise God!
So as we all celebrate one more day (or one more year) of life, let us turn our attention outward. May we all make at least one intentional act to help another person today. And may we all continue to pray for God’s mercy so that the right to life may be protected in our country.
Una vez leí acerca de alguien que, en lugar de buscar la atención, los regalos, las tarjetas y el pastel en su cumpleaños, optó por llevar flores y una nota especial a su mamá. ¿Por qué? Porque esa mujer en ese día laboró con amor para dar a luz. Esa mujer ese día eligió dar la vida en lugar de quitarla. Esa mujer en ese día comenzó la difícil obra de criar a otro ser humano por el futuro previsible.
Hoy celebro 43 años de vida fuera de la matriz. Claro que recibiré lo suficiente en cuanto a saludos y dulces, pero mi corazón, como el de cualquier madre, está más centrado en mis hijos. Casi me olvido mi cumpleaños cada año, ya que me precede el cumpleaños de un hijo en septiembre y el de otro hijo a finales de este mes.
Y aunque estoy agradecida por esta vida que Dios me ha dado, no puedo evitar entristecerme por lo que está pasando en todo nuestro país para destruir la vida. Octubre es el Mes de Respeto a la Vida, y estamos en medio de la campaña de oración 40 Días por la Vida. La clínica de aborto que cerró en mi ciudad, reabrió debido a un detalle de la ley. Las elecciones a favor de las leyes a favor del aborto están por venir en las próximas semanas. Todo lo que puedo hacer es orar, orar, orar, votar y rogar a Dios por su misericordia.
En el Evangelio de hoy, el fariseo se asombra de que Jesús no se lave antes de comer. Jesús lo reprendió. ¿De qué sirve tener un cuerpo limpio si el alma no está limpia? “¿Acaso el que hizo lo exterior no hizo también lo interior?”
Muy interesante. En lugar de decirle que cambie su actitud y su enfoque, le dijo al fariseo que diera limosna. Espera un minuto… ¡tal vez le estaba diciendo que cambiara su actitud y su enfoque! Vamos a pensarlo. ¿Qué nos sucede cuando damos a los demás? Pasamos de un enfoque interno a uno externo. Estamos dando en lugar de recibir. Nos preocupamos en lugar de caer en la codicia. ¡Nuestro Jesús es un Dios sabio!
Entonces, mientras todos celebramos un día más (o un año más) de vida, dirijamos nuestra atención hacia afuera. Que todos hagamos al menos un acto intencional para ayudar a otra persona hoy. Y que todos sigamos orando por la misericordia de Dios para que en nuestro país se proteja el derecho a la vida.
Tami Urcia grew up in Western Michigan, a middle child in a large Catholic family. She spent early young adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her Bachelor’s Degree in Western Kentucky. She loves tackling projects, finding fun ways to keep her little ones occupied, quiet conversation with the hubby and finding unique ways to love. She works at for Christian Healthcare Centers, is a guest blogger on and, runs her own blog at and has been doing Spanish translations on the side for over 20 years.
Feature Image Credit: Towfiqu barbhuiya,
St. John XXIII: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, October 11, 2022
The man who would be Pope John XXIII was born in the small village of Sotto il Monte in Italy, on November 25, 1881. He was the fourth of fourteen children born to poor parents who made their living by sharecropping. Named Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, the baby would eventually become one of the most influential popes in recent history, changing the Church forever.
Roncalli’s career within the Church began in 1904 when he graduated from university with a doctorate in theology. He was ordained a …
A Prayer for the Way to Peace: Prayer of the Day for Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Father of love, hear my prayer.
Help me to know Your Will
and to do it with courage and faith.
Accept my offering of myself,
all my thoughts, words, deeds, and sufferings.
May my life be spent giving You glory.
Give me the strength to follow Your call,
so that Your Truth may live in my heart
and bring peace to me and to those I meet,
for I believe in Your Love.
Encountering Signs of Faith / Encontrando Señales de Fe
Jesus refused to be a sideshow attraction, as he rightfully should have. Jesus referred to the generation he encountered on earth as evil for their unwillingness to accept the things of heaven on faith. They sought signs and wonders; some were given, but not on demand to humor the believer. Instead, the signs offered blessed those already possessing faith, even faith as small as a mustard seed.
Yes, even the tiniest mustard seed of faith can move mountains. Faith preceded the healing of the hemorrhaging woman, Jairus’ Son, and the centurion’s slave. No one is more guilty of seeking signs than this girl! And when I first read Jesus’ words in this Gospel, I was taken aback, having been blessed abundantly with signs accredited by me to the showering of love and mercy from heaven. I didn’t consider my desire to see God in some tangible way as evil; most often, I sought signs to clarify His will over mine. Not as proof of his existence but as affirmation of what He was asking of me.
I have discovered a vast difference between the one who demands proof of God’s existence versus the one who seeks verification of the will of God. The skeptic who looks to check Jesus’ heavenly ID card to prove He is who He says He is, versus those who accept the truth on faith. We should not mistake the proud trying to debunk the humble approaching God’s throne of grace with confidence for an occasional bit of reassurance, not convincing.
If His Resurrection doesn’t convince them, nothing else He does will. The sign of Jonah would be witnessed and attested to not only by believers but also by “hostile witnesses.” People alive at the time of the Resurrection who, although they did not wish to perpetuate Jesus’ mission, could not refute what their eyes beheld. Jesus who died had risen, not as a spirit but as a man, who ate among them, something a ghost cannot do and has no need for.
Seeing by faith and not by sight, as Jesus tells St. Thomas, is a tremendous gift. “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” I believe Jesus; sometimes, I just need a little nugget to help my unbelief.
Jesús se negó a ser una atracción secundaria, como debería haberlo hecho. Jesús se refirió a la generación que encontró en la tierra como mala por su falta de voluntad para aceptar con fe las cosas del cielo. Buscaban señales y prodigios; algunos fueron dados, pero no a pedido para complacer al creyente. En cambio, las señales ofrecidas bendijeron a aquellos que ya tenían fe, incluso una fe tan pequeña como una semilla de mostaza.
Sí, incluso una fe muy pequeña como la semilla de mostaza puede mover montañas. La fe precedió a la curación de la mujer con hemorragias, el hijo de Jairo y el esclavo del centurión. Tengo que decir que ¡nadie es más culpable de buscar señales que yo! Y cuando leí por primera vez las palabras de Jesús en este Evangelio, quedé desconcertada, habiendo sido bendecida abundantemente con señales acreditadas por mí para la lluvia de amor y misericordia del cielo. No consideré mi deseo de ver a Dios de alguna manera tangible como malo. La mayoría de las veces, he buscado señales para aclarar Su voluntad sobre la mía, no como prueba de su existencia, sino como afirmación de lo que él me estaba pidiendo.
He descubierto una gran diferencia entre el que exige prueba de la existencia de Dios y el que busca la verificación de la voluntad de Dios. El escéptico que busca verificar la tarjeta de identificación celestial de Jesús para probar que Él es quien dice ser, frente a aquellos que aceptan la verdad por fe. No debemos confundir a los orgullosos que intentan desacreditar a los humildes que se acercan al trono de la gracia de Dios con confianza con un poco de tranquilidad ocasional, sin convencer.
Si Su Resurrección no los convence, ninguna otra cosa que Él haga lo convencerá. La señal de Jonás sería presenciada y atestiguada no solo por los creyentes sino también por “testigos hostiles”. Las personas que vivían en el momento de la Resurrección que, aunque no querían perpetuar la misión de Jesús, no podían refutar lo que veían sus ojos. Jesús que murió había resucitado, no como un espíritu sino como un hombre, que comía entre ellos, algo que un fantasma no puede hacer ni tiene necesidad de hacer.
Ver por la fe y no por la vista, como le dice Jesús a Santo Tomás, es un don tremendo. “¿Has creído porque me has visto? Bienaventurados los que no han visto y creen”. Yo creo a Jesús; a veces, solo necesito una pequeña semilla para ayudar a mi incredulidad.
Allison Gingras is a Deacon’s wife and seasoned mom of three. Allison works for Family Rosary as a social media and digital specialist, as well as a new media consultant for Catholic Mom and the Diocese of Fall River. She is the author of Encountering Signs of Faith: My Unexpected Journey with Sacramentals, the Saints, and the Abundant Grace of God (Fall 2022, Ave Maria Press). Allison developed the Stay Connected Journals for Women series including her two volumes – The Gift of Invitation and Seeking Peace (OSV). She’s hosted A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras podcast since 2015.
Feature Image Credit: Nicolás Nuñez, LC,
The views and opinions expressed in the Inspiration Daily blog are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Diocesan, the Diocesan staff, or other contributors to this blog.
St. Francis Borgia: Saint of the Day for Monday, October 10, 2022
Francis was a young nobleman at the court of the King of Spain. He became a Duke when he was only thirty-three and lived a happy, peaceful life with his wife Eleanor and their eight children. But unlike so many other powerful nobles, Francis was a perfect Christian gentleman, a true man of God and his great joy was to receive Holy Communion often. This happy life ended when his beloved wife died. Francis did something that astonished all the nobles of Spain; he gave up his Dukedom to his son …
Peace of Heart: Prayer of the Day for Monday, October 10, 2022
Almighty and Eternal God,
Give me, I beseech You,
the great gift of inward peace.
Command the winds and storms
of my unruly passions.
Subdue, by Your grace,
my proneness to love
created things too much.
Give me a love of suffering for Your sake.
make me forbearing and kind to others,
that I may avoid quarrels and contentions.
And teach me constantly to seek after
and to acquire that perfect resignation
to Your Holy Will
which alone brings interior peace.