Second Grade Catechesis

First Communion – preparation 2024-2025

More information will be forthcoming!

Our preparation for First Communion outside of Family Catechesis will mostly take place in the home. Your children will learn from you, their priest (Fr. Dan) and their faith community what receiving Jesus for the first time, and continually, means and looks like in their lives. It is the responsibility for the parents as the “primary catechist” for their children, to help their children know and foster what a relationship with Jesus looks like.

Parents and children will need to attend Family Catechesis sessions to be prepared in order to receive this Sacrament. Parents are responsible for going through the Family of Faith book with their child at home. Please plan on completing one of the activities in the activity book at home once a month.

Blessed Reconciliation and Eucharist Prep Videos (Awesome, short cartoons for kids!)

Confession Explanation

2nd Grade Examination of Conscience

Guided Video Act of Contrition

First Eucharist Practice at Home

Prayers for Memorization

Please contact Anna Murphy at with any questions you may have about First Holy Communion!