About Us

Mission Statement

We partner with parents providing a Catholic school rooted in the gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, modeled by Mary our mother, encouraging a virtuous life following the Catholic faith and pursuing academic excellence.



St. Mary proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our education, faith, and service. Our school develops a faith community in which Gospel virtues are formed, experienced, and lived; and teaches doctrines and traditions of our Catholic faith. We encourage and support our students in living out their Faith through the Sacraments, prayer, Eucharistic adoration, and other opportunities for our students. We provide a learning environment which fosters academic excellence and focuses on the call to be good stewards of the time, talent, and treasure that God has entrusted to us for the glory of God.

About St. Mary School

Our core pillars at St. Mary are Faith, Scholarship, and Service. Under the leadership of Interim Principal, Dr. David Maile and Fr. Dan Kogut, our school provides a robust curriculum, small class sizes, daily mass 2x a week (every Wednesday and Friday), prayer in the classroom and Eucharistic Adoration, as well as an excellent and dynamic staff to equip our students to be excellent learners in the classroom and of a relationship with Jesus.

Curriculum and Assessments 

Starting with the 2023-2024 school year, we are changing our curriculum to reflect the Diocesan changes. The primary program is adapted from Sophia Institute, which provides excellence through the lens of faith and truth for our students.  Students in 3rd-5th grade take the Northwest Educational Assessment (NWEA) 3x a year to monitor progress, and 2nd grade students take 1x a year.

Witness The Difference Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program

Families with students in grades Kindergarten through 12 grade can apply for tuition assistance.  $750 for grades K-8 and $1000 for grades 9-12.  Applications are due by March 1st. Please call the school office for more details at 734-878-5616.

Our Church

The primary mission of the Church is found in Matthew 28 – the Great Commission, “Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to carry out all I have commanded you.” The second great command comes at the Last Supper when Jesus washes the disciples’ feet in John’s gospel and tells them, “As I have done, so you must do.”

These missions come down to sharing the Good News, celebration of the sacraments, catechizing, and service. All that we do as a universal Catholic Church must tie back, in some way, to these Christ-centered goals. Here at St. Mary, we try to do this in a variety of ways, and we invite you to share in the Church’s missions given to us by Christ. As you review these parish activities, discern your own gifts – what you have been given by God to offer back to the good of the Church, and honestly make a commitment of time and talent to fulfill them. The blessings you receive will be greater than what you give. It’s part of the joy of Christianity.