May you inspire musicians to gladden the hearts of people by filling the air with God’s gift of music and reminding them of the Divine Musician who created all beauty. Amen.
St. Mary music ministry is looking for musicians who are willing to share the gifts that God has blessed them with. It is our goal, as music ministers, to enhance the sanctity and reverence within the liturgy with beautiful and uplifting music.
The focus of the liturgical music is not to perform, but to inspire worship, participation, and devout meditation, among the congregation. The music should always aspire point to God.
Each Mass is an opportunity for Christ to reveal himself to us, when our hearts are properly disposed to be open to him. It is our goal to help open people’s hearts through the gift of music.
Liturgies & Rehearsal Times
- Saturday 5:00 Mass – Rehearsal time 4:00pm
- Sunday 9:00am Mass – Rehearsal time 8:00am
- Sunday 11:30 – Rehearsal Time 10:30
I am looking for vocalists interested in harmonization and learning basic vocal technique. This is the perfect spot for the beginning vocalist. Rehearsals will be on Thursday at 6:30 pm during the school year as well as an hour before Mass on Sunday.
This position is a position of leadership and experience. It requires good vocal skills and the ability to proclaim scripture with dignity and respect. A cantor is expected to lead the majority of the music for Mass. Cantors may rehearse on a more flexible schedule.
This group is going to be driven by the spirit of worship within the context of liturgy. We will use a more contemporary sound and instrumentation. We will meet for rehearsal an hour before Mass every Sunday
This group will sing once a month during the school year, as well as at Christmas and Easter. We will rehearse on Sundays following the 11:30 Mass. (This group will be formed and maintained based on interest and participation.)
Vocalists have several different possibilities of placement in music ministry. I hope to form a group of cantors, a choir, contemporary worship leaders, and a children’s choir (4th – 8th grade).
There is lots of room for instrumentalists to join our groups. Instrumentation can add so much depth to our praise. It allows us to worship without words and focus our meditation. Please consider joining the chime choir.
XIII – Mary
XII – Jesus
VIII – Jesus
VI – Veronica
V – Simon and Soldier (All Men)
IV – Mary
II – Jesus
I – Pilate
Pre – Jesus
X-XI – Tenor
X -XI – Bass
XIV – Lead
XIV – All Parts
XII – Extras
XII – End, All voices
VIII – Sop
VIII – Alto
Pre- End, Sop
Pre – End, Men
Pre – End, Alto
II – End, Women
II – End, Men
IX – Sop
IX – Men
IX – Alto
ES – Alto
ES – Tenor
ES – Sop
Unknown – Lower Part (Melody)
Unknown – Higher Part
Domine Deus – All Parts
GSLTW – Alto
GSLTW – Tenor
Miserere Mei – All Parts
WITM – Alto
WITM – Tenor
WITM – Sop
If you are interested in joining, please contact the director of music ministry. From there we will schedule an appointment to have an assessment/audition.
Things that will be asked of you at your music assessment:
- Name
- Age
- Musical Experience
- Scales (Vocalists)
- Note Matching & Note Replication (Vocalists)
- Playing a piece of your choosing (Instrumentalists)
- Sight reading skills assessment through simple exercises (Instrumentalists)
Note: This is a casual process by which I can get to know you and your voice/instrument. The purpose is to assess your confidence, vocal quality, experience and where you will best grow in the music ministry.
Upcoming Events
Liturgies & Rehearsal Times
- Saturday 5:00 Mass – Rehearsal time 4:00pm
- Sunday 9:00am Mass – Rehearsal time 8:00am
- Sunday 11:30 – Rehearsal Time 10:30