
The Offertory collection is St. Mary’s most significant financial resource. Gifts through the offertory collection are the primary source of financial support for the parish. Support to this collection online or in the Sunday collection basket as an expression of our thankfulness to God for the many blessings He has given us. It is our opportunity to give back a portion of that which He has so graciously bestowed upon us so that His church can continue to grow.

Special Collections

The Catholic Church generously supports special causes associated with the Catholic Christian faith through periodic Sunday collections. These Special Collections provide a way for our community to support all the great efforts made by our local, national, and universal Church.

The upcoming National and Diocesan Collections:

* January: Worldwide Evangelization

* March: Black & Indian Home Mission

* May: K of C Pregnancy Help Line

* June: Peter’s Pence

* September: American Evangelization

* October: World Mission Sunday

* November: Military Services – USA

* December: Retirement Fund for Religious