Inspiration Daily

Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reading 1  JER 3:14-17

Return, rebellious children, says the LORD,
for I am your Master;
I will take you, one from a city, two from a clan,
and bring you to Zion.
I will appoint over you shepherds after my own heart,
who will shepherd you wisely and prudently.
When you multiply and become fruitful in the land,
says the LORD,
They will in those days no longer say,
“The ark of the covenant of the LORD!”
They will no longer think of it, or remember it, 
or miss it, or make another.

At that time they will call Jerusalem the LORD’s throne;
there all nations will be gathered together
to honor the name of the LORD at Jerusalem,
and they will walk no longer in their hardhearted wickedness.

Responsorial Psalm  JER 31:10, 11-12ABCD, 13

R. (see 10d) The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.
Hear the word of the LORD, O nations,
proclaim it on distant isles, and say:
He who scattered Israel, now gathers them together,
he guards them as a shepherd his flock. 
R. The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.
The LORD shall ransom Jacob,
he shall redeem him from the hand of his conqueror.
Shouting, they shall mount the heights of Zion,
they shall come streaming to the LORD’s blessings:
The grain, the wine, and the oil,
the sheep and the oxen.
R. The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.
Then the virgins shall make merry and dance,
and young men and old as well.
I will turn their mourning into joy,
I will console and gladden them after their sorrows.
R. The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.

Alleluia  LK 8:15

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart
and yield a harvest through perseverance.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel  MT 13:18-23

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Hear the parable of the sower.
The seed sown on the path is the one who hears the word of the Kingdom
without understanding it,
and the Evil One comes and steals away
what was sown in his heart.
The seed sown on rocky ground
is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy.
But he has no root and lasts only for a time.
When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word,
he immediately falls away.
The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word,
but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word
and it bears no fruit.
But the seed sown on rich soil
is the one who hears the word and understands it,
who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”

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Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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Planted in You / Arraigado en Ti

I’ve recently had some remodeling done in my home. My dwelling place is a sound structure. Built in the mid 70’s, wear and tear in the space turned into something that was potentially dangerous, damaging and costly. It became glaringly apparent that it was time to keep the good and get rid of things that stifled my life and wellbeing.

The parable in today’s Gospel is similar. Jesus compared heaven to the man who planted good seed and while all were asleep an evil man sowed weeds in his field. The servants noticed the weeds and asked if they should pull them up. The master said to leave them until the harvest so the good in the field didn’t get destroyed.  When it was time to harvest, they were to gather the weeds first for burning and save the good.

I knew I wasn’t going to strip my condo down to the studs and throw out everything I own. I’ve been fairly productive and many good things have happened during the years I’ve lived in my home. When I noticed bad situations arising, I adjusted in order to be fruitful, aware that a more permanent change would be needed soon. The Alleluia verse from James 1:21 illustrates these situations, “(Therefore, put away all filth and evil excess and) humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.”

A field, a home, or a soul created with the divine seed is good and pleasing, rooted in love. I knew I had to get rid of the bad and non-productive parts of my life. I had to acknowledge there were things or habits that had to be removed both emotionally and physically. Doing so allowed me to grow in a way that was pleasing to the Divine Sower.

Lord, grant me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind to acknowledge and accept your Divine Word planted in me. Help me to continue on the path to heaven in your Divine Light. Amen.

Contact the author

Recientemente hice algunas remodelaciones en mi casa. Mi hogar es una estructura sólida. Construido a mediados de los años 1970, el desgaste del espacio se convirtió en algo potencialmente peligroso, dañino y costoso. Se hizo evidente que era hora de conservar lo bueno y deshacerme de las cosas que asfixiaban mi vida y mi bienestar.

La parábola del Evangelio de hoy es semejante. Jesús comparó el cielo con el hombre que sembró buena semilla y mientras todos dormían, un hombre malo sembró cizaña en su campo. Los sirvientes notaron la cizaña y preguntaron si debían arrancarla. El maestro dijo que la dejaran hasta la cosecha para que lo bueno del campo no se destruyera. Cuando llegaba el momento de cosechar, primero debían recoger la cizaña para quemarla y guardar lo bueno.

Sabía que no iba a desmantelar mi condominio por completo y tirar todo lo que poseía a la basura. He sido bastante productiva y han sucedido muchas cosas buenas durante los años que he vivido en mi casa. Cuando noté que surgían situaciones malas, me adapté para ser fructífera, consciente de que pronto sería necesario un cambio más permanente. La aclamación antes del Evangelio de Santiago 1,21 ilustra estas situaciones: “(Por tanto, desechan toda inmundicia y exceso de maldad y) acepten dócilmente la palabra que ha sido sembrada en ustedes y es capaz de salvarlos.”

Un campo, un hogar o un alma creados con la semilla divina son buenos y agradables, arraigados en el amor. Sabía que tenía que deshacerme de las partes malas y no productivas de mi vida. Tuve que reconocer que había cosas o hábitos que debían eliminarse tanto emocional como físicamente. Hacerlo me permitió crecer de una manera que agradaba al Divino Sembrador.

Señor, concédeme ojos para ver, oídos para oír y mente para reconocer y aceptar tu Divina Palabra plantada en mí. Ayúdame a seguir el camino hacia el cielo en tu Luz Divina. Amén.

Comunicar con la autora

Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and a practicing spiritual director. Beth shares smiles, prayers, laughter, a listening ear and her heart with all of creation. Reach her here

Feature Image Credit: Paula Brustur,