Advent: A Time of Preparation and JOY
Christ dwells within us. Christmas reminds us of God’s love for us: that He would come to us as a baby, innocent and in all humility. We shouldn’t fear the Lord, who gave Himself to us and came to us as a child.
Start your day with prayer. Not sure how to pray? Pray a surrender prayer, to surrender yourself, your desires, etc. to God, our Loving Father. Then, pray through the daily readings (you can go USCCB’s website to access or Laudate app on your phone)
- Advent Scripture Service from Fr. Dan (found in the gathering space at mass)
- Enthronement of your Home to Jesus
- We have extra resources for continued prayer in the home available to you if you’ve already completed the initial enthronement
- Do You Want to Be Healed?
- This is a Lectio Divina for us in our journey to heaven. Often, we have blocks, or wounds, that cause us to be unable to receive the fullness of grace and joy that God has in store for us. Prepare yourself to receive the Lord by surrendering your wounds, and embracing the love that God desires for you
- Our own Blessed is She “Peace Has a Name” Moms group on Wednesday nights at 8pm via Zoom to learn how to rest and be restored in God’s peace, which the world is unable to offer?
- Contact Meghan at 248-719-2267 for the Zoom Link
- Podcasts – Restore the Glory, Abiding Together, Catholic Sprouts
- Behold by Sister Miriam James Heidland
- Journey through Advent with the Holy Family to enter into deeper unity with the Father
For Littles:
- take your kids up to the altar steps after mass to say a family prayer together
- participate in feast days such as the Feast of St. Nick
- teach your kids about preparing their hearts for Jesus, and the Father’s love for them
- Advent coloring books (such as Holy Heroes)
- Set up an Advent wreath in your home, say prayer together, and let the children blow out the candles when it is time for bed (can do on a daily basis)
Not into books or reading?
How about:
-spending some time with Jesus in the Eucharist
-praying a Divine Mercy Chaplet
-fasting from social media (and spending that time with others around you/community/family), extra creamer in your coffee, or other
-helping a family in need
-praying a rosary
-cutting down on phone time in the mornings and spending that time in prayer