Councils and Commissions

Education Team

The education team assists the principal in the continual improvement of the school in education and development.

Parish Pastoral Council

The pastoral council assists the pastor in forming the pastoral plan for the parish. The council’s main purpose is to investigate, reflect, and reach conclusions about pastoral matters to recommend to the parish priest.

Finance Council

The finance council assists the pastor in making financial decisions and is advisory and consultative in nature. The members review the parish budget and receive regular financial statements. In cases where large expenditures are involved, the pastor must receive a vote of approval from the parish finance council.

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission assists the pastor and deacons in the planning of liturgical celebrations and coordinates the efforts of those who assist with the celebration of the Mass throughout the liturgical year.  The commission is composed of representatives from the following ministries: Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters and Ushers, Liturgical Art and Environment, Mass Captains, Music Director including choir and cantors, and Proclaimers of the Word.  The commission is open to individuals who have been recognized by parish leadership for their active participation in the ministries listed above and have demonstrated an interest in planning liturgical celebrations.